Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever

Guess what I did today?!?

Went strawberry picking!!

It was fun, but didn't last very long. We filled up our buckets pretty fast, and only picked 2 buckets worth. I ate one, fresh off the stem, and it was sooo delicious. Strawberry season kind of ushers in summer, and I look forward to it so much. Summer is (almost) officially here!
I almost forgot to mention this, and I can't believe it. There's 2 amazing things about strawberries - having the fresh ones to eat & also my Mom makes the most-delish-sweet-could-eat-it-straight-out-of-the-jar-goodness otherwise known as strawberry jam. Ahhh....can't wait.

my Mom showing off her prize-winning find:

Happy Thursday!


  1. How fun! I've never been strawberry picking but I went apple picking once and it was great!

  2. Hey! I could not see the pictures, but it sounds like so much fun!

  3. Oh I am so jealous! I love strawberries, but I've never gotten the chance to go pick them.


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