Friday, June 4, 2010

Hemingway, Move Over

and this is where my heart found yours
in the tidal pools beneath the waves
tossed about and tangled
longing to be free

Sometimes, I really just want to be a writer. Or rather, to be published. To put my words out there, to make a statement, to scream through my scrawlings on paper,
Hey World, This is Me. This is my Heart. These are the words God dropped off in my soul.
This is who I am. Take it or leave it.
And maybe it would inspire someone else.

I wrote the little blurb on this post. Came up with pretty fast, but I really like it. Sounds so ethereal.

I think some of the best writings come out of some of the worst times in the author's life. It's that whole idea of something beautiful being born out of tragedy. Think of it as a mosaic - things had to fall apart, to break for that mosaic to even be possible.

There's something so genuine, so visceral, about a person's writings. Especially poems. Short and to the point, they don't leave much room for wondering what's on the author's mind.
I've always liked writing poems, short little scribbles, whatever's on my mind, or my heart. I know it sounds so cheesy, but the words just come to me sometimes. I don't know how to describe it. It's almost as natural as scratching my head if I had an itch (almost). The words flow from my heart, down my arm, through my hand, and rush through the pen, until they reach the paper, spreading out and finally catching their breath.

Another thing, occasionally I wish I was this witty, hilarious, sarcastic person all the time - especially in blogging, when others read it. I am that way sometimes, but definitely not all the time. This post - exhibit A. I delve into the serious, my dreams, occasionally these intellectual/nerdy-sounding entries. But you know...I guess that's staying true to myself. Writing about what's on my heart. I'm a complex person, I have different facets of my personality, so I guess it only makes sense that I would have different kinds of entries. I like it that way, though. I've always been a fan of variety - I get tired of the same thing after awhile. (Like my surroundings, for instance. But I'll save that for a different post.)
Here are some of my favorite couple of lines ever from Walt Whitman in Leaves of Grass:

Long enough have you dreamed contemptible dreams,
Now I wash the gum from your eyes,
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment of your life.

Long have you timidly waded, holding a plank by the shore,
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea, and rise again and nod to me and shout,
and laughingly dash with your hair.


(my sis took the picture at the top)

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