Tuesday, October 12, 2010

longest hiatus EVER

it's a brand new day! well, the day is actually on its downhill stretch...but play along with me.

it has almost been a YEAR since i blogged last. insane, huh?? in that time, i have moved to charlotte, got a new job, am continuing going to school to finish my associates, and living with a friend. oh, and as you can see, chopped my hair off! i had it cut last august, and i absolutely love it! i highly recommend a pixie cut, and forget about gathering up the courage - just go do it. you'll be so glad you did!

i want to get back into blogging, but i want to brainstorm a little on what i'm going to focus on. or maybe i'll just write random musings on anything and everything. i definitely do miss writing. and i am going to try to stay away from the emotional posts - gosh, i hate going back and reading them. haha! i am thinking of gravitating towards something artsy to focus on...surprise, surprise! we'll see... i'm going to try to come up with some sort of plan first, so that may be awhile. no worries though - it won't take another year!

and if you're wondering what the new name signifies -

i have recently been loving this song .
it's a david crowder song & it's called 'how He loves'. i love the message behind it - it's so powerful, speaking about how intensely God loves us, and despite our constant regrets and failures, He still showers His Grace on us. we're sinking in it. hence the name.

We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking
So Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way that

He loves us,
oh, how He loves us,

---images from weheartit.com---


  1. I wondered where you went! I'm glad your back :) [or hope you are]

  2. FYI: I meant you're and not your.


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