Friday, July 22, 2011

techy help?

does anyone else see that giant white rectangle at the top of my blog, covering some of the background design? how do i get rid of that? help would be much appreciated :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

as of late::

these pictures are in reverse order, but here's a taste of what i've been up to in the hot, hot month of july::
(ok, computer's being dumb and underlining everything below like it's a link. i don't know how to fix that, so just ignore it.)

sam chung workshop at school - he's an amazing ceramic artist. it was so interesting, and one of the best things was his personality. he was so funny, telling stories about his travels, and he is so unassuming and down to earth. loved it!
(his site)

me and some 8th/9th grade girls from my church doing 'the creep' (don't know what i'm talking about? check it out) at the pool! haha each month, my friend jenna and i do an outing with these girls. each one of them is special to me and i enjoy the time we spend with them so much. their parents may think we're investing a lot in their lives, but i know they are definitely investing in mine. <3

we all went to ikea before the pool. raise your glass! haha (i love ikea! tons of stuff there is on my wish list).

p.s. why is the text normal now??? i don't understand... moving on...

here are 2 of my ceramic bowls i've made. :) they have been bisque fired, with the cherry blossom design painted on with a glaze that will fire to be tan with speckles. my original idea was to do this same design, with the same tan glaze, on all my dinnerware pieces (all 20 of them!!! =O that includes extras, though), with the background glaze being teal. well, i was only able to do that on my plates. i ran out of the teal glaze, and so did the supplier. so, all my rectangular dinner plates will be teal, square salad plates will be a dark green, the bowls (^^^) will be a dark brown, and my mugs will be a dark golden yellow. i hope they all turn out well and flow together. i will be finishing the glazing and firing process next month. :)

hi, my name is leah, and i will go to extreme measures to get a free chick-fil-a meal. proud to be a cow. (that's me on the left :) )

july 4th - charlotte knights baseball game! oh my lands - what a long night. game was delayed an hour and a half due to rain. =/ the game ended about 11:45, fireworks show ended about 12:15. got home around 1am. i just wanted to skip the game and get to the fireworks! haha bad, i know.

this awesome car was parked outside the baseball stadium! haha i loved it.

& what would summer be without pool days? ;) my friend jenna and i.


so, this saturday i'm leaving for a week to kure beach, nc with my family. favorite spot in the world. i'll try to update from there. i'm hoping to get some crafty/artsy-ness done while there, including:

1) starting/working on the embroidery on a dress i'm making
2) sew the dress (bodice is done pretty much)
3) paint a few small ink & watercolor pieces
4) think up ideas for a sewing project for my niece

i hope i'm that productive! i'll see y'all later :)

thanks for reading!


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